Outstanding Service. Outstanding Smiles!

Should I Get Invisalign From A Dentist Or Orthodontist?

Everyone deserves a smile they feel proud to call their own, and whether you’re a teenager getting braces for the first time or an adult professional looking to revamp your smile, Sonneveld Orthodontics can help. We’re proud to offer a range of orthodontic treatments like metal braces to the Oak Forest & Tinley Park communities, but one of our most popular treatments is Invisalign. While we’re proud to be a specialized orthodontic practice, you may have seen some general dentists offering Invisalign and other orthodontic treatments. That may leave you wondering: should I get Invisalign from my dentist, or do I have to go to an orthodontist?

Invisalign from Your Oak Forest Orthodontist

We’re glad you asked, because that happens to be a very important question!

It’s true that some dentists offer treatment with Invisalign, and we can’t speak to the quality of that treatment. But there’s one thing we do know: orthodontic treatment is complicated. Orthodontics is a complex science that uses a variety of techniques and technologies to make significant, permanent changes to the alignment of the teeth, jaws, and the overall facial structure. To learn the ins and outs of these complicated treatments, orthodontists go through 2 to 3 years of specialized training in addition to dental school. Unfortunately, that’s training that general dentists simply don’t have.

If you’re looking for safe, effective orthodontic treatment that results in the best possible smile, you should always seek treatment from a trained, Licensed Orthodontic Specialist. Orthodontic specialists are the only professionals trained to recognize the unique complexities of orthodontic malocclusions, and their specialized knowledge allows them to meticulously design your treatment plan to ensure healthy tooth movement and a beautiful smile. So while your dentist may also offer Invisalign treatment, the only way to guarantee a safe and beautiful result is to work with a certified Tinley Park orthodontist.

Schedule a Consultation for Invisalign in Tinley Park!

We hope this blog sheds some light on why you should choose a trained orthodontist for Invisalign or any other orthodontic treatment. And if you’re still looking for an orthodontist in Oak Forest, Tinley Park, or the surrounding areas, we’re here to help! Sonneveld Orthodontics has helped countless patients achieve beautiful, healthy new smiles through convenient orthodontic treatment. If you’d like to learn more about how orthodontic treatment can help you achieve your new smile, request a consultation today using our easy online form. We can’t wait to hear from you, and we look forward to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams!