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When Will I See Teeth Straightening Results from a Clear Aligner Treatment?

Clear aligners are a great option for those who are looking to correct their teeth and bite, especially for those who don’t want the look of braces. Because you don’t have to clean between wires and brackets, and have no food restriction, clear aligners are a convenient option. However, many patients wonder how long it will take to see results. At Sonneveld Orthodontics, we help educate patients on what options are there for orthodontic treatment. Our Orland Park office offers clear aligners for those who are qualified and are looking for an alternative to braces. Each type of braces have their own unique set of functions; but how do clear aligners work? Learn how clear aligners work, and how long to expect them to straighten your teeth.

How Do Clear Aligners Straighten Teeth?

Before you know how long clear aligners take to straighten teeth, it’s important to understand how they work. When you go in for your first consultation with your orthodontist, they will do an intake of your teeth by running an X-ray and, possibly, 3D scans, to see if you qualify for treatment. They will then create a customized treatment plan that shows you how your teeth will gradually shift into the desired position you want with the aligners.

Once your plan is approved, the orthodontist will send the records to a laboratory to get your aligners made. Within a couple of weeks, you will be required to wear each set of aligners every day for 20-22 hours and only remove them to eat and brush your teeth. You will be expected to wear each tray for about 2 weeks; that is when you will switch to a new pair of aligners.

How Long Does Treatment Take?

Depending on what needs fixing, and how severely crooked your teeth and bite are, aligners could take 12-24 months to complete the treatment. To notice any change is a gradual process that takes a couple of months to see any improvement with your teeth and bite. Each aligner tray will be changed out every 10-14 days; this will get your teeth to move to the desired position that the aligner holds. Once treatment is completed, you will be expected to wear a retainer, which will help keep your teeth straight after treatment.

Get Clear Aligners at Sonneveld Orthodontics!

Are you in need of orthodontic treatment? Come get clear aligners at Sonneveld Orthodontics! Our doctors and staff provide comprehensive, high-quality care to everyone of all ages! Contact our Orland Park office today! We are here to answer any questions or concerns you have. We are excited to get started working with you!